Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Faith- Interview, Review & Giveaway

Mags is a single mother, running her own business trying to make ends meet. Drake is an A&R guy for a local indie record company who has been working nonstop for a year. When both finally take a vacation with family and friends, they are forced to finally admit, at least to themselves, that they have feelings for each other.

When they go home, they find it even more difficult to put the past in the past and maintain a relationship strong enough to face the challenges ahead. Follow along as they try to make a relationship work while fighting demons of their own, through circumstances not of their making, and with family and friends trying to help.

About Brei Betzold

Stay at home mom to one very interesting little boy. I have been writing since 7th grade when my English teacher turned me onto poetry and never stopped. Thank you Mrs. Williams. In high school I had yet another English teacher inspire me to start writing short stories where I found my first true love, turning words into something so simple yet complex that it can move other people to love it or hate it, but in the end to feel emotions about something I created. 

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Your favorite Book Whore's got to sit down with Drake and Mags for a two on two interview. See how this dynamic duo responded to our questions.

Chrissy:  First question is for Mags. Why did you want to keep Quinn's father a secret from your friends, especially your best friend?

Mags: (sigh) I don't know, I guess I was afraid that it would cause a problem between me and the guys, which would then affect Devi's and my friendship. I didn't want to put Devi in a position where she would have to keep anything from Seth.  Since I didn't want the guys to know, it seemed like the best for everyone if I just kept it quiet.

Wendy:   And you didn't want the guys to know because of the band?

Mags: Because he worked for the band, I didn't want my stupidity to fuck anything up they had going.

Chrissy:  Understandable. Drake how did you feel when you first learned who Quinn's father was?

Drake: I was pissed because he didn't step up and take care of his kid. I still don't understand what Mags ever saw in him, even for a one night stand, but we have Quinn out of it so I can't be angry about that. A part of me was also relieved to finally know who her biological father was, though it never really mattered.

Wendy: What a guy! Seeing that you loved Quinn as much as your own niece and nephew, was that the deciding factor for the tattoo?

Drake: I started the tattoo with Taz, and I had already planned to add Angel to it, just hadn't had time to do it, then I met my Princess and that was it, I was hooked, so yea I wanted her added to it as well.

Chrissy: Mags, how did you feel about the tattoo?
Mags: In all honesty I was a little pissed about it, I mean who goes and gets a tattoo like that without even discussing it with the kid's mother. I thought it was sweet that he had done it once I calmed down, and I thought about it, and began to understand why he did it.

Wendy: Definitely not unreasonable considering.
    So, Drake was it during your long absence with MMM that you realized your feelings for Mags were much stronger, or was there another time that you really knew you loved her?
Drake: I've known for a long time, I think its why we argued so often, sexual tension. We just weren't in a place where it would have worked then.

Chrissy: Speaking of tension what were your thoughts on the tension between Sam and Mags?

Drake: Sam is I think taking out whats going on with him on everyone else, but seems to be focusing on Mags. Which I do not appreciate, I get that he has a lot going on, but that doesn't mean he gets to be a dick to my wife.

Wendy: Wife! I love how you say that. How does it feel to be married now?

Mags: Strange, I now have to think about someone else when I want to do something, I'm not used to that.

Drake: I love it, I love knowing that shes legally bound to stick it out and can't run when she freaks out anymore.

Chrissy: Any plans on more Chitlins in the future?

Drake: YES!

Mags: Maybe
Wendy: haha You two are so damn cute.
    What's it like at home? Sex, meals, family outings?
Mags: We just moved into Drake's place since he had his cast removed and doesn't need as much help anymore. It's interesting trying to combine our lives together. I have found out that he's a clean freak, and I like my clutter which he feels the need to organize so I can't find anything. Neither of us can cook so we eat out a lot, and sex is hot as ever with Drake.
Drake: Mags is a slob, we don't get to go out often since its still hard for me to get around, but we've taken Quinn to the zoo and to the park, things like that. Meals, well the first night back in the house Mags caught the kitchen on fire, so we've been ordering in a lot. Sex with Mags is as always great, I love that she submits to me without even realizing shes doing it.
Mags: I didnt catch the kitchen on fire
Drake: (looks over at Mags) Babe we had to call the fire department, thats catching the kitchen on fire.
Mags: (rolls eyes) Babe it was only the oven
Drake: Only the oven, and the back wall. We are now remodeling the kitchen.
Chrissy: HA! A chef like myself. *Whispers to Mags* Nothing wrong with admitting you can't cook because that means you wont ever have to.

Mags: (elbows Drake) see it can happen to anyone

Wendy: *laughs* Chrissy and I are no Susie Homemaker's either, Mags.
Drake, are you still planning on touring with the band now that you're working with them?

Drake:  I am fine with the her not being able to cook, I didnt marry her because she could cook. Uhm yea I am, they are finishing up their current tour which I wasn't able to join then they are taking a break while they switch labels and recharge.
Wendy: Mags, will you be able to handle not seeing Drake when/if he's gone for long periods of time, or is there something worked out taht you can go with him.
Mags: No I am not going with him, you couldn't pay me to go on a tour bus for weeks at a time with X. It'll suck that hes gone but I will have work and Quinn to keep me occupied, and of course lots of phone sex.
Wendy: Nice!
    Phone sex will definitely keep you connected. So, guys thanks for taking the time to chat it up with us. We can't wait to see what happens next for the two of you. By the way, any word on who's getting the lead in the next MMM story? We wont tell Brei. *snickers*

Chrissy: and we're really good at keeping secrets.
Drake: Brei actually let it slip during another interview so I don't feel bad for disclosing that Tribal is about Cris and Ash, though she's still not spilling who the next novel will be about. Anything else? Or can we go and enjoy Quinn being with a babysitter, now?

Chrissy: Nope, I think we're done. Thank You Drake and Mags for spending time with Wendy and I today. It was great meeting both of you
Wendy: Go on you fiends get some nookie.

Drake: You're welcome, nice chatting with ya, gotta go.

Mags: Uhm bye!

Wendy's review of 

 Oh, what can I say about Drake and Mags? I adored both of them in MMM (Devi and Seth's story), but this is them all on their own and it's touching, and gripping and a true showing of passion.
These two are like fire and ice when they come together. It's HOT!
Drake is tender and sweet and all things considerate when it comes to Mags and his desire for her. I felt every moment, from the beginning, of what his devotion was.

All he wants to do is love Mags and Quinn and makes it a point to let her know almost immediately. 

Even with the truth revealed, Drake is adamant that he's the one for Mags. And he will go the limit to prove it to her. 

Then, in true form, something tragic has to happen and I was floored! How in the world does this happen??!?! Especially now?!!!?!? HOLY SHIT!

 And wouldn't you know it, this is where reality smacks Mags right upside the head.


Mags realizes that holding on to her past and the ugly childhood she had are useless in the face of almost losing the one thing she thought she'd never have


To me, this story was more about Drake and how his desire for the woman he loves, was worth any fight to capture. I absolutely adored this book and all the characters in it. Mags is a strong independent woman just looking to live her life and take care of the only person that she sees really needing her, Quinn. When Drake wont take no for an answer, these two come together in heated passion and blistery fights that will show you how true love is fire.

Did I mention how hot these two are in bed? WHEW!!! Get out your fan my friends.

FAITH is all about what can happen in a true life setting. This story will have you wanting to pull out your own hair,  reach into the book and cunt punch Mags on occasion, have you laughing hysterically at the pranks, and even drooling over the hotness that is the guys of MMM. 

I rate this book a solid 5 

My Cast~





a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oooohhh I would love to have this!! I haven't read this yet so I can't answer the question :(

  2. Drake! I love the way he stepped up with Quinn :) Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! :)

  3. I haven't read it yet, so I don't have a favorite. I like guys that take charge, but aren't a-holes. I really like tattoos and piercings, too!

  4. Well I havent read these yet. Ive heard awesome things about both books in Angie's Dreamy Readers group though! Would LOVE to win! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  5. I haven't read them either but any would do lol

  6. I haven't read it yet, so I don't have a favorite. It is on my long TBR list though. I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the opportunity!

  7. another to add on my list which is probably hitting 700...not enough time in a week. i absolutely love the "videos" you post!!!

  8. I haven't read them either :( But that's why I need to win! Thanks for the chance.

  9. I haven't read either book yet, but I have them in my Amazon Wishlist!
