Saturday, May 10, 2014
Cora Carmack Interview and Video Clip!!!
Holy how much I love Cora Carmack!!!!!!! I mean, I heart her books HARD. But now, I heart her even harder. She's amazing and I pretty much died laughing from the first second, because of her and her soul-less assistant. :) (ps I hope they remember this part of our conversation, otherwise I sound like a creepy a-hole...)
Aaaaanywho....we loved talking to her so very much. Our 5 min flew by and we certainly could have just sat and kept chatting. In fact, we went back. lol!!! She's the first to admit that she "pantsed" her first book. Writing at 3am and hiding from your sisters will do that to you, I suppose! She did have to do some planning around trips and spots visited for Finding It though.
Her newest series (that I'm so very excited for!!!----sidebar, I never watch football, cause I went to high school in Texas and pretty much lived Varsity Blues. But I can REALLY identify with a football story regardless!) started unplanned but as it developed, she started planning.
Another reason I know I will always love a Cora Carmack story is the fact that so much of her is in each book. A little part of her in each character. No wonder we love her books oh so much!
Her video clip discussing how she felt writing her first sex definitely a highlight of my entire morning. It will certainly be for you too!!!
Check out her pages and for the love of all things sacred, buy and read her books if you haven't yet!!!
Thank you, Cora, for being awesome!
What a fun interview! I love the DELETE DELETE DELETE!