Friday, May 9, 2014

Priscilla Glenn Author Interview and Video!

Have you met the adorableness that is Priscilla Glenn??? There are no words. If you haven' wanna see?

See?? We love her! Who doesn't!! Have you read Emancipating Andie?? I haven't yet and I want to so bad because I hear it's AMAZING. So many books, so little time...sigh.

Priscilla is an English teacher. I never had an English teacher who looked like her...or was that nice...or wrote anything dirty. Wait....well let's just say I never want to think about them...blech.
Anyway, I thought maybe that she'd have a very proper, teacher-type system of outlines and roman numerals.
Okay, she does use bullet points to gain an idea of what she wants to happen, but then she just lets her creativity and imagination put it all together. Sometimes she intentionally puts pieces of herself into her characters, but frequently it's a happy accident. I say happy because she says Chase has quirks like her, and I like quirky a lot!

Check out her pages!!

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