Saturday, May 17, 2014

Interview with Jillian Dodd plus video!

Jillian Dodd is a rock star. How many frigging amazing books has she written?? Just a ton. I don't know how she does it.
Of course, she writes YA, so our first question was pretty tame. But...well, she says nipple. And I laughed. Take a peek:

Now, have you read The Keatyn Chronicles? There are a lot of books. How does she keep track of all that?? Outline?
Not exactly. But what I never thought too much about was keeping track of the time frames. She has charts and graphs and calendars to keep track of all the aspects of the series, down to monthly cycles. That's right people. I don't write my own period on a calendar, but Jillian knows who should be nervous if they're late! It's genius, and I laughed.
Certainly pieces of herself and pieces of people she knows fall into all her books. And that alone make these books worth picking up!!
Check her out!!

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